Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our little gymnast!

That's right... Rachel decided that being head down was a pretty good idea after all! She was not cooperating for a while during the ultrasound, she likes to hide her face. The doctor said everything looks great. No sign of the cord being a problem, and she has a strong heartbeat. I'm not sure how they figured it out, but supposedly she weighs about 6 pounds right now. (Not sure what the other 20- something pounds I've put on are!) It was really neat to see her arm and leg bones- amazing!

I am excited that there are no problems, but have to say that I was excited about knowing when she would get here. I don't like this whole waiting thing!
Those are her toes above her eye!

Cute chubby cheeks!

A little difficult to figure out, but her profile is on top, hand in the middle and foot on the bottom. She was trying to suck on her toes I think!

Here she is trying to hide her face with her hand. You can see her tongue sticking out some in this one!


nana said...

Rachel looks adorable. Grandpa and I are sitting here laughing at her different positions. What a cutie! Glad she's in the right position. Love you all!

Jen said...

Kim told me the good news. I know we moms like to be planners and the thought of knowing her exact arrival date would be nice, but I promise you, the "going into labor" part is so exciting. It is definitely an experience you will treasure and just when you think you can't take being pregnant anymore - pop - she's here in the blink of an eye! So glad she decided to cooperate and I love the pics. It looks like she's got some blond hair in that last one!

Poppy said...

I am looking at a photo of Rachel that you gave us that is dated 5/15/2009. She definitely has gotten bigger---and this is news to you?! I hope Jen's statement about "she's here in the blink of an eye" is a slow blink. You will have to allow us about four hours to get to Roanoke! I wonder if a state trooper would "let me off the hook" if I told him I was speeding because "my daughter is in labor."