Let's see how I did on my New Year's resolutions for this year...
~ Take pictures of adults! (you'd think Rachel lives by herself!)
I think more pictures had adults in them, but there were still kids in them too
~ Become a couponing queen- any tips will be gladly accepted- anyone else care to take this on with me?
I tried to use coupons, but I spent so much time gathering them, and then searching around the store and comparing prices all to find that the store brand was cheaper anyway!
~ Keep up with birthday/holiday cards (oops, already late on one of those!)
Hmm, some I did great with, others- not so much. This is one resolution that I am going to try harder to keep for next year.
~ Spend more time with friends
I have gotten together with some girlfriends just to talk and catch up some, but it was a little difficult with all these babies around. We have made more friends through our small group and have been able to do more things as families, which I love!
~ Try different foods
I think I've done better, but I don't know if pregnancy helped or hurt this. Sometimes everything tasted good, while other times nothing did.
~ Have even more fun than last year with Dustin and Rachel!
We had some great times this year, traveling and spending time with family. I also loved seeing Wicked with Dustin!
With all of the changes happening next year, I've decided no big resolutions- just to hang on and love every minute minute of it! (Oh yeah, and keep up with cards:) )